Saturday, November 23, 2013

GID Sugar Skull Tooth Decay‏ - Creo Design - Clutter Magazine 'Gift Wrapped' Exhibition

A wonderful new creation from Creo Design. A custom Glow in the dark Tooth Decay, made exclusively for Clutter Magazine's 'Gift Wrapped' exhibition. A incredibly detailed piece of art, hand carved and painted to resemble a yellow plaque stained Tooth.

It looks incredible when it's glowing! I'm generally not a big fan of GID toys, or sugar skull items, but this is an exception. It looks amazing.

Head down to the Clutter Gallery between 14th December - 6th January 2014, to grab yourself this one of a kind Glow in the Dark Sugar Skull Tooth Decay. It will be on sale for $250. Tragically, beyond my reach & my price range right now. I hope this unique piece of art finds itself a good home.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Little Prick - Cactus Green - Brian Flynn

I recently joined the skullbrain forums. Amazing group of people! Within the first week I had someone offer to send me some postcards(one of which was for my A Clockwork Orange collection) & then I found someone selling one of the toys I needed! I really love buying from fellow-collectors, they're much more interested in helping someone with their collection, then flipping the toy for money. It's a nice change from some of the places I shop. Back to the point, I found myself my first 'Little Prick'!

I'm a huge fan of Brian Flynns 'Little Prick' platform, I plan to hunt down all the green varieties eventually. Their little underpants are adorable! I have a thing for toys in thighty-whiteys & yes, I'm a weirdo.

The first of what will hopefully be many purchases through skullbrain. Really a fantastic toy, I honestly cannot wait to own more.
Personal note, I'm currently on a toy-shopping break. I'm saving for some large purchases & christmas of course is taking priority at this time of year. My 'new toy' posts will be rarer, but I'm hoping to do a few 'new release' blog entries over the next month or so. I'll also be doing some work on my A Clockwork Orange Collector blog, which any/all Stuff & Things readers are welcome to stalk.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Vinyl Cavey - Glossy Red Edition - A Little Stranger

Huge apologies that it's been so long since my last blog entry. Really bad week, it's taken me a few days to get my flow back, but it's the weekend, so time to share some toy goodness! I recently ordered myself a Red Cavey, one of A Little Strangers adorable little toys. This particular colour is exclusive to Collect & Display. It's so adorable I might die. They're still available, but limited to only 50, to get in quick!

I'm really craving the black & white versions now. Can't wait to have a little group of these guys. I especially love how super-shiny the red version is. Beautifully made toy & it's little fabric tag, as all A Little Stranger toys have, is as cute as ever!
I have a couple of other toys to share, but for today, I might leave it here. Go grab yourself a red Cavey while they last, totally worth it!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

DCON & Supanova

It's been an exceptionally slow mail week, so I thought I'd share a few of the convention exclusives I just missed out on this weekend.
The Brisbane Supanova didn't have any toy exclusives from my knowledge, but after seeing numerous photos etc. It appears they've really improvements the overall 'appearance' of the convention. I wish I had gone. Additionally a few of my fave Brisbane artists had booths, would've been awesome to stop by, buy some of their things. Oh well, there's always next year.
DesignerCon on the other hand, is in Pasadena, just a "small" distance from me, so completely out of the question. This year they had an incredibly selection of exclusive toys, it was impossible to avoid information about them. My weekend ended with me being quite grumpy about it all.
Anyway, here's a few of the toys from DCON that I'm coveting.

Frank Kozik has produced some more mini Ludwig Van Beethoven busts. His released them in clear resin & orange resin so far. I'm absolutely desperate for these(particularly the orange version), but as is often the case with convention exclusives, I probably will never own them. Sad times.

Circus Posterus had some great artists associated with their DCON booth this year. Both Chris Ryniak & Amanda Louise Spayd designed minis for the occasion. They are, in my opinion, basically the cutest little toys ever. Thankfully, Amanda Louise Spayd will be making more Pipsqueaks, in more colours, in the near future. I look forward to acquiring one day.

Bugbite & Fuzzlethump by Chris Ryniak

Pipsqueak by Amanda Louise Spayd

Paulkaiju released a huge number of toys at DCON this year, seriously tempted by many of them. However, there is one that I seriously intend to hunt down. The blue 'Mr. Ree' release. The colours are incredibly vivid, I'm also a fan of toys with accessories & extra heads etc. This really is just a stunning a toy in my opinion.

Two more conventions over, two more I didn't attend(or couldn't attend). I intend to improve this situation next year. I shall hunt down all toy-focused conventions/exhibitions/markets etc. & attend them all. In theory anyway. Now to spend the next week or two, attempting to hunt down everything I want, that I couldn't get. I need to find myself a personal shopper.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Yaghan People - GEEK! - Medicom Toy Exclusive

When it comes to the Japanese toys I acquire, it's usually an instant 'I NEED to own this!' moment. Yaghan People by GEEK! was definitely one of those times.
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but one of my numerous interests, is history/culture/humanity. The Yaghan People toys(there's two more being released from my understanding) were inspired by a South American group of people called 'Yaghan People'(also possibly, based on my readings, that they've mistaken Selknam People for Yaghan People). They truly are a fascinating culture, perfect inspiration for a toy. So anyway, to acquire this toy I had to sign up for a lottery through Medicom. I have never signed up for a toy lottery before, so I was incredibly pleased when I got my e-mail stating my name had been pulled.

For it's price(about $110US) it's a huge size, about 12inches. They are also hand-painted. Being an art lover, I can definitely appreciate that aspect. The header card is awesome, printed with the original photo that inspired the toy.

There was also a small photo-sized print of the 'inspiration' image included with the toy. Really a wonderful little addition & quite unexpected.
This is a toy that will look epic amongst my randomness(as the following photo expresses!). Can't wait to get my new desk & give it a semi-permanent display spot. Definitely one of my favourite toys of the year. So happy I had the opportunity to buy one.

Now, just a pre-warning. I have a handful of toys I'm waiting on & I'll be buying one or two more this week. However, due to christmas & a rather large purchase I'm saving for(I may have mentioned it in my previous post?), I'll be spending what little cash I have in the next few weeks on gift shopping & saving what I can for my 'large purchase'. I will of course occasionally blog about new items I'm coveting, but new toy arrivals may be a little slow in the next couple of months.